Beef Burgers

Beef Burger Recipe – Level Up With Jalapenos

If you’re looking to level up your current beef burger recipe for the 2021 grilling season, you’re in the right place! Beef burgers (and beyond meat burgers for that matter) are a staple in our household, especially in the spring and summer and we can fire up the BBQ. I mean, we can fire up the BBQ any time of the year as we’re in a condo and covered, but that sideways rain puts a damper on things sometimes.

Beef burgers don’t just need to be grilled – you can fry them or you can bake them. So you get a craving for a beef burger in the middle of January? Fry or bake up some burgers. Heck, use the winter to experiment with your beef burger recipe so you can wow your guests all summer long with your perfected burger recipe.

But you know what makes a beef burger better? Cheese and Jalapeno, duh.

Life Needs A Little Spice

I grew up with parents that don’t love too much heat, and oddly enough, so did my husband. We once had his parents over for taco night, and Jason mixed in garlic with the sour cream. Oh lordy, the comments that ensued about the sour cream having a kick to it. Sour cream & garlic. I mean, come on!

We definitely don’t do that anymore – lesson learnt! How either of us came out of our childhood with this love of heat is beyond me, but what’s life without a little spice?

And yes, I am aware of how ridiculous this seems especially considering my husband’s family is Jewish, and for Passover every year, I have to eat this god-awful horseradish straight up which I am not a fan of. The global pandemic has saved me from that horseradish over the last two years. It’s not your standard white horseradish – it’s purple and it’s awfulllll. I’ve – correction, we’ve tried to get them to allow the creamy horseradish with no success.

OK, back on track.

You don’t have to add ghost peppers or anything to add heat to your recipes. You can even keep this kid-friendly by adding a little less jalapeno, fully removing the seeds because the seeds have the heat.

We make sure to get our nieces to try adding heat to meals when they’re with us. Whether that means ordering or making a pizza and adding a semi-spicy salami, or going out for sushi and adding wasabi. We always tell them to try something once, and if they don’t like it, no harm. Their aunt on their mom’s side, and then, of course, us from their dad’s side, LOVE food and travelling and you can believe we’re doing what we can to let that love of food and travel be absorbed by them.

You better believe I’ll test this on both of them once we’re allowed to have them over, but we have snuck in jalapenos to other meals that they’ve eaten, so I can pretty much guarantee neither will complain about this when we can have them over. Maybe we’ll even get them to make the beef burgers, or challenge them to create their own beef burger recipe.

Beef Burger Recipe


  • lean or extra-lean ground beef
  • sharp cheddar cheese
  • jalapenos (remove seeds for less heat)
  • Montreal steak spice
  • egg
  • panko crumbs


Mix together your ground beef, cheese, jalapenos, egg, spices and panko with your hands. Once all ingredients are mixed well, form them into patties and either set aside. Don’t want too much heat? Don’t add in the seeds from the jalapenos – that’s where the heat is. Have some more slices or shredded cheese off to the side for melting.

You cook your beef burgers one of three ways:
  1. Bake in the oven on a cookie sheet. Line with parchment paper to keep from sticking.
  2. Fry in a skillet pan on the stove. 
  3. Pop ’em on the BBQ because it’s grillin’ season! 
Cook Jalapeno Cheddar Beef Burgers With Me
<span style=color ffffff>Jalapeno Cheddar Beef Burger Recipe <span>

We did ours in the oven, so we popped it into a 400-degree oven and cooked to an internal temperature of 160 degrees Fahrenheit. Once at the correct temperature, we popped some more cheese on top (duh) and let that melt, and at the same time, we popped our buns into the oven to toast. You could also do this just before the temperature reaches 160, but I am definitely more cooked than less cooked when it comes to ground beef. Steak on the other hand? Rare or medium-rare can be the only correct choices.

Dress your burger bun with all the fixings and enjoy. We did not have anymore jalapenos, or I definitely would have added something.

Seriously, sometimes I think I have no relation to my parents whatsoever.



What’s your favourite way to level up your beef burger recipe to keep your family from getting bored?

If you try this, tag me in your posts on Instagram – @chasingdreamsaf!

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