Blogmas - Christmas Tag

Blogmas Day 14 | Christmas Tag

I wanted to do some fun blog posts, and that includes this Christmas tag. I know that tags aren’t the most popular thing anymore, but I figured it was a good way for you to get to know me a little better, but centred around the holidays.

You know that I would totally love to get to know you a little bit better, so if you want to do this tag on whatever platform you want, make sure to tag me so I can see it. You can also just leave a comment answering whatever you want. There are no rules!

What is your favourite Christmas Carole? 

Silent Night | jingle bells 

What is the best gift you have ever received for Christmas? 

My recipe book. 

What is your usual Christmas eve routine? 

We do “Jewish Christmas” in our household. Firstly, anyone is welcome to join us. But this tradition is based on what Jason used to do growing up since he didn’t grow up celebrating Christmas. His family would do Chinese food and a movie. So we don’t go out to the movies, but we do order in – typically Chinese, Thai, Japanese or Indian and watch Christmas movies. 

What is your usual Christmas day routine? 

Sleep in, make spiked eggnog lattes, open stockings, open prezzies, make breakfast, get all dressed up and load the dog, presents and overnight bags and head to my aunt’s house. We snack endlessly, play games, take pictures, usually come up with a Titanic drinking game and complain about being full. Then there’s the full turkey dinner, opening of presents, and a very violent game of saranball, jammies and only after midnight, are we allowed to put on Titanic. Don’t even ask me how that tradition started, but i’m sure their neighbours hate us every year.

How do you decorate your Christmas tree? 

When my nieces were little, I would get them to come over and decorate the tree with whatever decorations we had. They’re not as into it now, but I do the same thing. We tend to have blue & silver which brings in that Hanukkah vibe, and we have some rose gold and gold accented decorations and your standard fun ornaments. My step mom was very particular about her Christmas tree, and I vowed never to be like that. 

Do you put anything at the top of your Christmas tree? 

Our tree is pretty tall and we hardly have room to put anything. I did get a smaller star, but I still don’t think we have room. 

What is your favourite Christmas scent? 

Cranberry & nutmeg. 

When do you start shopping for Christmas presents? 

Ummmm, I plead the fifth? I always say I am going to be super organized, and then I procrastinate. I will be doing my Christmas shopping earlier this year. By the time this is posted, we should long be back in our condo, meaning I can actually buy things, and all shopping on my end should be complete. Jason will be running around on Dec 23 and 24th i’m sure. 

What is your favourite holiday food treat? 

My aunt’s peanut butter chocolate squares and eggnog cheesecake. 

Egg nog; yay or nay? 

Heck to the yes. 

Do you celebrate Christmas with your family? 

I do! We broke the rules last year and had my sister, Brett, and their cat Maui over, but typically the big gathering is at my aunts house every Christmas. 

One of the most memorable events that happened during last christmas? 

Mmmmm maybe we should go back to 2019. Violent saran wrap ball is always a memorable highlight. 

In which year did you have the best Christmas ever? 

2017; I finally got my coveted family recipe binder! My cousin Alycia ruined it for the rest of us 😉 

Fruitcake; yay or nay? 

Absolutely no. Nope. Nada. Uh-uh. 

Do you decorate for both Christmas and Hanukkah? 

Sure do! Jason is fairly indifferent, but I make sure that everything is out. And sometimes, when Hanukkah decides to be incredibly early, I have to pull out the Christmas bins before December 1st, so that the menorah is out at least. 

What is so exciting to you about Christmas? 

Famjam time. Food. So, so, SO much food. 

What is your plan for this coming Christmas? 

So long as there are no impending lockdowns, the plan is to get back to spending Christmas together as a family. Now that my sister and Brett live in a different province, and they haven’t seen his family for Christmas since they moved out here, they’ll be there, but our lower mainland group should be back together. 

What do you usually wear at Christmas? 

Jammies in the morning, followed by a dress or jumpsuit of some kind, followed by more jammies. 

What do you prefer to eat on Christmas eve? 

Thai, Japanese or Chinese food. It’s a tradition that I am here for. 

Real Christmas tree, or fake tree? 

We do a fake Christmas tree as we live in a highrise, and have a dog. And I like to have my tree up December first. Oh, and we are in a small space, so we need that condo sized fake tree 😉 My aunt does a real tree so I get the best of both worlds. 

Is there any ritual you don’t like to follow at all during Christmas? 

Church. Don’t @ me. I am entitled to my opinion, as are you. That’s what makes each of us awesome. 

What is more fun – receiving gifts, or giving gifts? 

Giving gifts. 

How do you decorate your house during Christmas/Hanukkah? 

Christmas tree, stockings, menorah, Christmas pillows and cute decorative pieces. 

Have you ever baked a Christmas cake by yourself? 

Nope. Don’t like it, won’t make it. Do I have the recipe for it? Yes, I do haha. 

Have you ever had a White Christmas? 

You’d think my answer would be no since I live in Vancouver, but yes we have. We’ve had quite a few actually. One year was so bad that even my grandma spent the night because the roads were atrocious and I could barely get to work. Ah, the good old days of working in retail *insert eye roll here*

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