9 Impactful Ways To Help The Environment

9 Impactful Ways To Help The Environment

Impactful Ways To Help Our Planet Finding ways to help the environment thrive and help save our planet is becoming ever more important. In the fall of 2021, we had a large unprecedented storm that dumped a month’s worth of rain in two days. We get a lot of rain in these parts, but that…

One Year Post Flood – Our Experience
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One Year Post Flood – Our Experience

Back in July 2021, we had a flood in our condo caused by a sprinkler head in a neighbouring unit. Fun fact time! Did you know that one sprinkler head can dispense a bathtub full of water every 60-90 seconds? We’re talking like 75-150 litres per minute. That’s a heck of a lotta watta!  Let’s…

10 Easy Camp Meals – Make Ahead
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10 Easy Camp Meals – Make Ahead

When it comes to camping, coming up with easy camp meals that can be prepped before leaving are my favourite. As we are prepping for the 2022 camping season, I wanted to share the 10 easy camp meals we make every time. Most of these can be prepped before leaving. Prepping before heading out on…

Holiday Parties – Top Vancouver Restaurants
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Holiday Parties – Top Vancouver Restaurants

Holiday parties have been on pause for most of the last couple of years, but perhaps 2022 will bring holiday party normalcy back. Vancouver has a lot of great restaurants, but sometimes people struggle when it comes to planning their annual corporate holiday party. I have had the pleasure of working for small businesses, so…

8 Benefits From Camping
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8 Benefits From Camping

Did you realize that there are so many health benefits from camping? Sure, it’s fun to get outside and camp, but camping is also beneficial for your mental health. Last year we had planned a trip to a campsite outside of Merritt, BC for July which we knew was a risk. Campfire bans are usually…

Boss Babes & Toxic Positivity Culture

Boss Babes & Toxic Positivity Culture

When you hear the phrase “boss babe” or “mompreneur” what emotion does that evoke in you? Have you noticed that there’s been such a focus on having a positive only attitude aka good vibes only especially since Spring 2020? You know, when the world literally came crashing down around all of us but we still had to think…

Self-Care For Valentines Day

Self-Care For Valentines Day

Who needs a partner for valentines day, when you can do what your heart desires without anyone complaining? A day spent focusing on your partner when you honestly should be doing that throughout the year, but instead focused on YOU! This goes for anyone – single or coupled – because not everyone enjoys Valentine’s day,…

Unwinding During The Holidays
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Unwinding During The Holidays

Unwinding during the holidays seems like an oxymoron doesn’t it? At the time of writing this, the holidays are shaping up to have some semblance of normalcy to them this year. In 2020 we did virtual Hanukkah and Christmas and we all felt some sort of longing for the usual. I do think that’s true,…

Setting Goals > Resolutions

Setting Goals > Resolutions

Goals + Resolutions Goal setting is something I do every year and I am always looking back at my goals to adjust as needed. While I am not a firm believer in resolutions, I can work with goals. There is always room to improve and be better! Every January I always start off with running…

Living Through A Global Pandemic – A Look Back
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Living Through A Global Pandemic – A Look Back

Betcha Didn’t This Coming – A Global Pandemic Living through 2020 meant living through a global pandemic, and boy oh boy did this test my patience and trust in people. I’ve always believed that what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger, and 2020 has definitely proven that, and then some. This year has tested my…