Holiday Parties – Top Vancouver Restaurants
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Holiday Parties – Top Vancouver Restaurants

Holiday parties have been on pause for most of the last couple of years, but perhaps 2022 will bring holiday party normalcy back. Vancouver has a lot of great restaurants, but sometimes people struggle when it comes to planning their annual corporate holiday party. I have had the pleasure of working for small businesses, so…

8 Benefits From Camping
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8 Benefits From Camping

Did you realize that there are so many health benefits from camping? Sure, it’s fun to get outside and camp, but camping is also beneficial for your mental health. Last year we had planned a trip to a campsite outside of Merritt, BC for July which we knew was a risk. Campfire bans are usually…

9 Reasons I Miss Travelling Abroad

9 Reasons I Miss Travelling Abroad

Travelling abroad is something I have always wanted to do. I knew that an important part of my life would involve travelling and exploring the world as often as I can. Where did I get this need to travel from? My grandma. That woman has travelled all over this world, and is still going! I…

Boss Babes & Toxic Positivity Culture

Boss Babes & Toxic Positivity Culture

When you hear the phrase “boss babe” or “mompreneur” what emotion does that evoke in you? Have you noticed that there’s been such a focus on having a positive only attitude aka good vibes only especially since Spring 2020? You know, when the world literally came crashing down around all of us but we still had to think…

Why the focus on follower count is old news

Why the focus on follower count is old news

Follower count, especially on Instagram, has always been a “metric” that people have focused on. The higher the follower count the better, right? W R O N G  Oh so very wrong. Sure you have 57k followers, but do people share your content? Do they comment on your content? Do they save your content? Do…

Explore The Big Island | Ocean & Volcanoes

Explore The Big Island | Ocean & Volcanoes

Growing up, my grandmother worked at the University on The Big Island in Hawaii and I always wanted to go. If you know me, you know that I live for being by the ocean and being able to explore. I am definitely related to my grandmother who has travelled the world. Crazy fact: she was…

Running Products I Can’t Live Without

Running Products I Can’t Live Without

I have been running for a while now, and I have a list of running products that I can’t live without. I have used many products over the years, lots of which I have disliked and many that I use all the time. Over time, products come and go, but there’s always a variation of…

Social Media & Mental Health

Social Media & Mental Health

Currently, social media & mental health, especially amongst the younger generation, is top of mind. Social media has its pros and cons, but sometimes we’re unaware of the toll that social media takes on our mental health awareness. There is plenty of good that comes from social media, but we’ve seen the toll it takes not…

Running Isn’t Always Perfect

Running Isn’t Always Perfect

Running isn’t perfect. You prep for race day and you’re picturing that epic finish, but sometimes you just need to prepare what to do when your run is falling apart. Picture it; you’ve trained for 12-20 weeks, you’re about to toe the start line and the adrenaline is pumping. You take off – perhaps too…

Workout At Home – No Gym, No Prob

Workout At Home – No Gym, No Prob

Whether there are restrictions that are affecting gyms, or you’re just not comfortable in a gym setting, you can still get in a good workout at home. When you hear home workout or workout at home, do you automatically think 90’s fitness videos? Life with fitness facilities has had its ups and downs throughout this…