Running Products I Can’t Live Without

Running Products I Can’t Live Without

I have been running for a while now, and I have a list of running products that I can’t live without. I have used many products over the years, lots of which I have disliked and many that I use all the time. Over time, products come and go, but there’s always a variation of…

Running Isn’t Always Perfect

Running Isn’t Always Perfect

Running isn’t perfect. You prep for race day and you’re picturing that epic finish, but sometimes you just need to prepare what to do when your run is falling apart. Picture it; you’ve trained for 12-20 weeks, you’re about to toe the start line and the adrenaline is pumping. You take off – perhaps too…

Workout At Home – No Gym, No Prob

Workout At Home – No Gym, No Prob

Whether there are restrictions that are affecting gyms, or you’re just not comfortable in a gym setting, you can still get in a good workout at home. When you hear home workout or workout at home, do you automatically think 90’s fitness videos? Life with fitness facilities has had its ups and downs throughout this…

How To Start Running & Keep Going

How To Start Running & Keep Going

A question I see a lot is “how to start running” or “how do I build endurance because I feel like I’m always struggling” and when things are difficult we want to give up. Not all of us of course, but for me, if I’m not strong at something right away, I want to quit….

Garmin Forerunner 645m Review

Garmin Forerunner 645m Review

Garmin is my go-to watch for all my fitness activities, and last year I purchased the Garmin Forerunner 645 Music. With a year of use under my belt, and testing out various activity settings, I figured it was time to do a review. If you’re looking to upgrade your watch, or get a fitness watch,…

The Day Is Finally Approaching: A Live Race!

The Day Is Finally Approaching: A Live Race!

Live races feel like such a thing of the past. Looking back to the “before COVID” times, I took advantage of so many things and never realized how important they were to me. Back in 2019, I joined my first run clinic and embarked on training for my second marathon. I was prepared for what…

Foam Rolling – Necessary Evil

Foam Rolling – Necessary Evil

Foam rolling isn’t just for runners. Whether you’re running, hiking, skiing, boarding, you name it, foam rolling is something you should be incorporating into your life. If you’re more active, you should be rolling every day to help loosen your muscles. If I don’t roll daily, my legs get angry. And I much prefer my…

Setting Goals > Resolutions

Setting Goals > Resolutions

Goals + Resolutions Goal setting is something I do every year and I am always looking back at my goals to adjust as needed. While I am not a firm believer in resolutions, I can work with goals. There is always room to improve and be better! Every January I always start off with running…

Fitness-Related Goals – Tis The Season!

Fitness-Related Goals – Tis The Season!

Always seek the advice of a professional before starting any program or regimen. I am not a healthcare professional, and you can find my disclaimer here.  Becoming More Fit – An Annual Goal Fitness-related goals are top of mind as we start a brand new year. Whether someone wants to just move more, crush a…