Ashley Feldstein Fun Facts

Fun Facts – Fall 2020 Edition

What better way to get to know someone? It’s fun facts time!

I will probably aim to do this fun facts thing this 1-2 times a year as more people discover this blog, as a fun way to get to know me. I do give a brief write up of who I am on my about page, but these are meant to be fun and random facts!

Of course, I do want to get to know you guys, so make sure to leave a fun fact, or three, in the comments below.

Dont forget, if you head over to my IG, you’ll get to see me in my day to day life!

Ten fun facts you probably don’t know about me

  1. I was supposed to be born at the end of June 1986. I was however born in late July, on my mom’s birthday and a month late. Oh, and something about 48 hours of labour before they finally did a C-Section. I was comfortable, whaddya gonna do?
    • I mean seriously, how did they let women go that long?? 
  2. I’ve lived in 8 different cities in my life, but never outside the province. Most of that moving around was from when I was a kid.
  3. In 13 years of school, I attended 8 different schools.
    • Good thing I was capable of making friends relatively easily. I’m not so sure it would be that way in this digital era. 
    • Bridesmaid team
    • Still friends after all these years. Photo from Lisa’s wedding in January 2020. 
  4. I moved out on my own at 17.
  5. I almost didn’t graduate with my friends in grade 12. My math teacher knew how hard I tried, and I was given a pass so that I could graduate. I will forever be grateful, because who knows where I’d be if I had to face going back for another year.
  6. I had never been unemployed in my life until I was laid off in September 2020. Thank you COVID?
    • The good news is that this finally pushed me to start this blog and my consulting biz. I guess it all worked out just the way it was meant to. 
  7. I got my learner’s license at 16, but let it lapse. I didn’t get my novice license (where I can drive without an adult) until I was 18.
  8. Right after I got my novice drivers license, I was in a car accident that was completely not my fault. I was NOT emotionally prepared. 
  9. I have never broken a bone in my life.
    • For someone who is insanely klutzy, that’s pretty impressive. 
    • Yes, yes I did just knock on wood. 
  10. I’ve always loved the Real Housewives franchise. RHONY, RHONJ, and RHOSLC are my current faves.
    • RHOBH is in need of a rehaul, badly. I do love Garcelle, but the other ladies are just petty AF. And don’t even get me started on KD on RHOC. Everyone is entitled to their opinions, but she just makes me cringe now. She used to be one of my favourites! 
    • I will always and forever be #teambethenny 

Bonus fun fact

I am a whole-hearted dog person. Cats are jerks. Cute, but definitely jerks 😉

Now That You Know; It’s Your Turn!

There you have it; ten fun facts about me, and a bonus for good measure.

What is something that people don’t know about you that they’d be shocked to learn? Most people are most surprised at the fact that I have yet to break a bone in my body. I’ve definitely come close haha.

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