Blogmas - Shortbread Cookies
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Whipped Shortbread Cookies

When I hear the word December, I taste shortbread cookies. At the time of writing this, I am legit two weeks away from making shortbread and I am SO excited. I don’t make shortbread any other time of year, so this is a December-specific cookie for our household, and family in general.

I mean, I am Scottish, so does my love of shortbread actually surprise anyone?

Whipped Shortbread

Here’s what makes this shortbread different from the majority of shortbread cookie recipes – granulated sugar. Now, it’s not as crazy as it sounds since shortbread is such a decadent cookie. The sugar and the butter are left to beat together for like 4 minutes, making the mixture fluffy.

I promise you that these still taste like your typical shortbread. P R O M I S E.

I actually just made some of these today to bring to run club, and the house smells delicious. And husband commented about the shortbread smell as soon as he walked in the door.

What you’ll need

  • 1-1/2 cups flour
  • 1/4 cup cornstarch
  • 1/2 cup granulated sugar
  • 1 cup butter


Christmas Baking - ShortbreadIn a separate bowl, whisk the flour and cornstarch. Set aside.

In the bowl of your mixer, beat your butter and granulated sugar for approximately 8-10 minutes until fluffy. You may need to scrape the sides if you’re using a stand-up mixer. Typically, I wash the dishes to this point while the butter and sugar become besties.

Once your butter and sugar mixture has become fluffy, slowly add in your flour and cornstarch mixture. Once incorporated, stop the mixture as you don’t want to overwork your dough.

Preheat your oven to 350 degrees Fahrenheit.

I find it easiest to roll all the dough into one ball and pull small pieces to create small round balls of dough and set them aside. I tend to roll it all and put it on a sheet of parchment paper while the oven preheats.  Place your dough balls onto the parchment-lined cookie sheets and slightly press down. Pop in the oven for approximately 10-12 minutes. Pull out from the oven and put on a wire rack to cool.

Final Shortbread Note

Firstly, I don’t think these cookies will last long at all. However, if you have self-control (teach me your ways) when there is shortbread in your house, store these in an air-tight container. I can’t tell you personally how long they’ll last. I will say that the last batch I made was done two days before flying to Calgary. We brought the cookies with us (hello dry airplane air) and they lasted four more days.

So I’d say up to a week, but my Scottish self has zero shortbread self-control. Looking for other desserts for the holidays season where we can actually socialize this year (at least where I am)? Check out these peppermint brownies and settle down with this, some ice cream and a Christmas movie, and you’re all set!



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