Unwinding During The Holidays
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Unwinding During The Holidays

Unwinding during the holidays seems like an oxymoron doesn’t it? At the time of writing this, the holidays are shaping up to have some semblance of normalcy to them this year. In 2020 we did virtual Hanukkah and Christmas and we all felt some sort of longing for the usual. I do think that’s true,…

Holiday Traditions – Christmukah Edition

Holiday Traditions – Christmukah Edition

Coming from two different backgrounds, we knew that we’d be meshing and combining holiday traditions. Before we moved in together, we were pretty blessed with our families being very welcoming and including us in their holiday traditions. This went for every holiday, not just Christmas and Hanukkah. For those that don’t know, my husband is…

Guilt Free Mindfulness – Making It Through The Holidays

Guilt Free Mindfulness – Making It Through The Holidays

Ah, the holidays … 2020 edition. I’m going to bet that “dieting” isn’t even a thing in the year 2020. What a year! The holidays are difficult enough during a normal year, but now we’re in the midst of a global pandemic. Haven’t we all had moments of eating and snacking as a way to…