global events collective

The Global Events Collective – Moments That Matter

Way back before the Global Events Collective, there was #GMIDGoesVirtual. I say way back like it was years ago, when in fact it was in March 2020. That’s just how messed up 2020 is!


Have you ever seen a tweet that changes your mindset or motivates you to do something different? In March 2020 as I was watching the world come to a halt and the industry I worked in fall off of a cliff, Anh tweeted out that we should all just gather virtually and share our favourite thing about this industry for GMID (global meetings industry day). Colour me intrigued.

As a result, I hopped on board to volunteer managing the website. I was just one piece of a very complex puzzle, and this whole virtual event was pulled together by volunteers all over the world, in less than a month. Event professionals are nothing short of utterly driven, goal-oriented, doers. The world is falling apart, but the grind to put together an attempt at a record-breaking virtual event never stopped.

After endless rehearsals and feedback, the event went off successfully and we started to wonder what to make of this.

  • Who were we?
  • What did we want to accomplish?
  • Who did we want to be?
  • What do people want from this? 

GMIDGoesVirtual Grassroots Movement –> Global Events Collective


Moments That Matter

The Global Events Collective is now officially a non-profit organization. The collective is meant to be a global community to foster knowledge, ideas, perspectives and research to promote the understanding that events and hospitality foster human connection. An organization that I am proud to volunteer and be associated with.

The first initiative is showcasing Moments That Matter. 

Moments That Matter – Share your stories

Events that we attend throughout our lifetime, shape each and every one of us.

With that being said, the Global Events Collective is looking to shine a light on those stories for the upcoming GMID (global meetings industry day) on April 8th, 2021. The collective wants to highlight your stories to show the importance to organizations around the world, the importance and power of creating and attending events.

The COVID global pandemic has decimated the events industry in every capacity. Yes, lots of organizations and planners have pivoted (sorry, Anh!) to hosting virtual or digital events.

Putting on a virtual event can be harder to capture an attendee’s attention. These types of events require a large amount of time, effort, and money in a time where budgets have been slashed or removed.

It is time for us to show the world just how important events are in fostering human connection, but we can’t do it without your help. Moments That Matter are your stories.

You can learn more over on the Collective website.

Getting Involved

Did you know that you can help the GMID Collective?

  • shape and guide events and research,
  • make connections through industry relationships
  • simply share your story of how the events you’ve helped create over the years have fostered human connection.

Partner with GMID Collective and bring moments that matter to your audience through co-marketing and collaboration in our research, events, and outreach.

Sponsor and promote your brand’s commitment to having, producing, and sharing events, tradeshows, incentives, and conferences that matter for your business and your company culture.

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