Got The Travel Bug? Explore Italy!

Got The Travel Bug? Explore Italy!

Travel makes one modest. You see what tiny place you occupy in the world. Gustave Flaubert When we finally opted to explore Italy, we were stoked! Can we speak any Italian? Absolutely not. But, do we enjoy exploring new cultures, especially through food and architecture? We sure do! We thought we ate and drank our…

8 Benefits From Camping
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8 Benefits From Camping

Did you realize that there are so many health benefits from camping? Sure, it’s fun to get outside and camp, but camping is also beneficial for your mental health. Last year we had planned a trip to a campsite outside of Merritt, BC for July which we knew was a risk. Campfire bans are usually…

9 Reasons I Miss Travelling Abroad

9 Reasons I Miss Travelling Abroad

Travelling abroad is something I have always wanted to do. I knew that an important part of my life would involve travelling and exploring the world as often as I can. Where did I get this need to travel from? My grandma. That woman has travelled all over this world, and is still going! I…

Explore The Big Island | Ocean & Volcanoes

Explore The Big Island | Ocean & Volcanoes

Growing up, my grandmother worked at the University on The Big Island in Hawaii and I always wanted to go. If you know me, you know that I live for being by the ocean and being able to explore. I am definitely related to my grandmother who has travelled the world. Crazy fact: she was…