Ashley Feldstein

social marketing, copywriting, blogging


Our Engagement Story

But first, breaking free

Our engagement story is a long journey, but a worthwhile journey.

In 2006, my life changed for the better in so many ways. I moved out of my small hometown and got a new job.

I have always wanted to get out of where I grew up. To not have to drive and grab a hotel room downtown for any concert, sporting event, or a general night out, was always something I strove for.

City living is what I was destined for.

Back to the Beginning – Leading Up To Our Engagement Story

In May 2006, I started at my new job, and a couple of weeks later, a new part-time merchandising warehouse guy started.

I knew nothing about him. But over time, I learned that he was going to a local College upgrading some courses so he could get into his University of choice on the Island. Spoiler alert; his name was Jason.

We were the two youngest employees, so naturally, we had a connection. We both love music, and the Canucks (go Canucks, go!), and found humour amongst the dynamics of the stores and warehouse.

The stores hosted a summer BBQ at the end of August, which I attended but he did not. Jason was off to the island for a weekend away with friends that were attending university on the Island.

When he was back from the Island, we somehow found some time to get together outside of work. I had been out the night before and was exceptionally hung over when he got to my house. Such a good impression. He hung out for a bit, but we rescheduled grabbing a bite for another day.

Fast forward a few weeks, and we found a time to get together. He took me out to a place called The Noodle Box. As you know, I grew up in a small town, so the extent of my asian food experience had been some bad sushi, and Chinese food …americanized. He made a suggestion, and I took it, toning down the spice, because I had no idea what I was in for.

At the moment I knew two things: 1) this food is outstanding and 2) this guy is something special.

Over the next few months, we continued to get together and get to know each other. Date, if you would.

Making the relationship offish

Our company had our annual holiday party in early December of that year. Opting to break the ice and to attend together, and leading up to this was a lot of chatter from the sales staff about how we should date and get married. We never said a word.

We showed up to the party that was held at one of the most well-known steak houses in Vancouver, and we all let loose. After the party was over, and I went into the office Monday, and guess what I learnt? Jason is related to the owner of the store! Great, now everyone thinks that I’m with him because of that. *insert eye roll here*

They didn’t. Everyone was happy and the company had no problem with our relationship.

The next stage

We decided to move in together in 2011, but because he had been living at home, I was adamant he live on his own first. He moved into a condo he had purchased, and I gave notice to my landlord that I would be vacating my apartment later that year.

Yes, you are seeing that correctly. We started dating in 2006 and didn’t take the next step until Summer 2011.

The reason for that? Jason was getting his degree, and living at home. Who the heck wants to leave a rent-free home, while going to school? Not that guy, nor did I want him to.

At the end of August 2011, I officially moved into Jason’s condo but had spent more than my fair share of time there since he moved in.

Did you think that this is where our engagement was going to happen? Nope!

We got a dog!

In 2013 we did become fur parents, to an adorable Wheaten Terrier named Brie. She is from Charlottetown, PE and made the literal cross country trip at 13 weeks old, with her breeder.

Brie was born on January 21st, 2013.

She came to Vancouver on April 2nd, 2013 with 8 siblings.

Our engagement was still in the distant future.

Jason’s brother loved to joke that Brie would have to explain to her dog friends why her parents aren’t married.


She has changed so much over the years and is approaching 8 years old, at the time of writing this post in October 2020.

While she doesn’t have as much zest as when she was a puppy, we cannot possibly imagine life without her.

She loves it when we travel because she gets to go to camp Zoe aka my aunt and uncle’s house. Typically someone is always home, and if not, at least there is another dog to snuggle with.

She is always happy for us to return, but we feel so much better that she has somewhere she loves to be, when we travel and cannot bring her with us.

Fast Forward to 2017 – Our Engagment [story] is on the Horizon

The spring of 2017 was very, very busy and is where our engagement story begins!

I was “training” for my first marathon, that occurred in May. So, if I planned on surviving, I’d be heading to Europe with Jason later that month.

Oh, and on top of that? Guess who was finally getting laser eye surgery?! Heck yes! But don’t fret! I planned it so that the last day I wore contacts was the day of the marathon.

After the surgery and a plethora of eye appointments, and endless drops in my eyes, we were ready to jet off to Europe!

I had no idea what this guy was up to. In case we’re keeping track – we’ve now been together for nearly eleven years.

Quick trip, but unforgettable

After a quick day and a bit in London, we headed to Belgium. Our last stop was Amsterdam for a few days.

Once in Amsterdam we met up with a couple of gals we met in Brugge and hung out. They’d been in Amsterdam for a couple of days, and they were leaving the following day.

While in Amsterdam, we went to the Anne Frank House. While this isn’t exactly the happiest moment of your time in Amsterdam, this is a must see. If you are going to Amsterdam, snag yourself a ticket. Do not skip this; somber, but very educational on her life during WWII.

Other highlights are the Foodhallen, red-light district, endless windmills, canals, and beer. Just wandering the streets proves worthy of great people watching no matter where you are in the city.

My favourite part about the trip was about to happen. Amsterdam will always hold a special place in my heart.

The Unexpected Proposal – Our Engagement Story

As I had mentioned earlier, we had been together for eleven years. As time went on, I was starting to think that no engagement was in our future. While I was OK with not having to have a wedding, I did really want a pretty ring to wear 😉

I had zero idea that I was about to get a surprise of a life time.

We had plans to head to a market that morning and gather some cheese, and other snacks and have a picnic in the park. This is one of our favourite things ever to do when we’re in Europe.

Why? I say to you, why not?

While we were wandering through the market, a kid ran over my foot with a bike, and that put me in quite the mood. I didn’t want to let that ruin my day, so I hobbled around, making the best of the day. We headed to the park, snagged a spot, and got ourselves set up.

There was a large group near us that we thought were also having a picnic.

[Gosh; remember when we could travel and hang out in large groups?]

WRONG! Kind of. They wound up working on a music video, videographer and all, in the park, where we could all witness. Free entertainment is always welcome! The funniest part? When they weren’t paying attention, a pigeon kept stealing their food.

Okay great Ash, but isn’t there an engagement story in here somewhere? Yes, yes there is.

And then I turned around …

Engagement in VondelPark

To a ring in Jason’s hand.

Now, I don’t remember a lot of what happened in these moments, but I do at some point recall saying “is this a joke” and I do believe I also said yes. I have the ring, so I must’ve 😉

After nearly giving up, and thinking I’d have to go get my own pretty ring, he did. He really did it. He proposed, and we were engaged.

Pretty ballsy to carry a ring all the way to Europe and hope that I didn’t come across it.

Fun fact – Jason was going to propose in Brugge. If you want to find out why he didn’t, read this. I mean, getting engaged is awesome, but I wouldn’t change our time in Brugge for anything.

I said yes!

When Jason proposed it was still early enough back home, that we could send messages, and still get to enjoy some peace and quiet. The calm before the storm. Soon we’d be telling our engagement story multiple times in a row.

We knew when everyone was waking up – the melody of text messages and phone calls. If you know, you know.

Courtney – who we met in Brugge – had been in Prague and was coming to Amsterdam to celebrate our engagement, before we headed home.

Do I wish one of my nails hadn’t broken the day before? Yes.

Am I over it? Maybe.

Celebrating our Engagement

The last thing we wanted to do before heading home from Amsterdam, was to rent a boat and cruise the canals.

Once Courtney arrived in Amsterdam, we headed to the boat rental!

Oh, and grabbed some booze, because Amsterdam. Duh. Also, snacks, don’t worry.

We had such a fun day cruising the canal system and reminiscing about our engagement (and Bruges), but the day was getting away from us – we had a flight to catch.

Thanks For the Memories, Europe!

Short on time, we raced back to the hotel to grab our bags, said goodbye to Courtney, and dashed off to the airport. Since we were running late, so you know this is where anything could possibly go wrong.

Naturally – since we were running behind – the tram we were on was delayed in getting us to the airport.

Insert we hope EasyJet isn’t actually on time, so we have more time.

Luck was on our side!

A little rushed, a bit day drunk, hungry, and deliriously happy but we made it in time to fly back to London, so we could catch our morning flight back to Vancouver.

Since the moment the ring went on my finger, I was terrified that I would lose the ring or it would fall off.

That, and it’s purrrrrty so can you blame me?

Casual Family Celebration

Once we were home, we went back to work, and then headed to my aunt’s house to pick up Brie. When we got to the house, they surprised us with a party to celebrate our engagement!

We were so happy and thankful, but we think our surprise in July took it to a whole new level 😉

That’s our history and our engagement story!

I love hearing the creative ways that people choose to propose to their partner, so feel free to share your story below 🙂 <3

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