Ashley Feldstein

social marketing, copywriting, blogging

on the go healthy breakfast

Healthy Breakfast On The Go

OK, so healthy breakfast on the go or on hand at home for easy grabbing. But that’s a pretty long title.

I am NOT a breakfast person. Now, I do love a good brunch, preferably with a mimosa or other breakfast cocktail, but that’s frowned upon while working. But now I work for me, so is it? Kidding!

Over the years I have skipped breakfast, and not as a means of eliminating meals from my diet. It is because I legitimately am not hungry in the morning. It’s a horrible habit, and it drives my husband insane, and naturopath for that matter.

Naturopath Challenge. Eat more consistently, and include breakfast.

OK, so I promise you that I did roll my eyes when she told me this. But why should I eat if I am not hungry?! After doing some deep analysis into my fatigue, constant injuries etc., one of the things we came across was that I don’t fuel my body properly. I rolled my eyes when she said that too. I promise that I like her, I just don’t like to be wrong!

After we sorted out my thyroid problem, and I was still dealing with plantar fasciitis at the time, we took a look at my caloric intake. I am just going to say here that I am not a professional, and that you should always work with a healthcare professional to ensure you’re doing what is right for you.

When I had seen my medical doctor the year prior to seeing the naturopath, and I was going on about my fatigue and inability to lose any body fat (percentage) she gave me one piece of advice. Eat less. We have a pretty overburdened health care system, so there isn’t always time to have an in-depth conversation. At the time, I was eating around 1500 – 1800 calories depending on the running distance that week. For me? That is too low which I learnt when we did the math. The calorie intake was before accounting for any caloric burn.

The math put me at a to maintain my current weight at 2,200 calories, net for the day. So yeah. Undereating. The only way to get more calories in my body was to get me to eat breakfast. And eat a snack before and after a run (if a run wasn’t finishing around breakfast or dinner).

I started eating more, and as much as I hate to admit it, she was correct. And because she was correct, I kept a list of foods I like to eat for breakfast that can be prepped in advance so I don’t have to figure it out every night. At the time I was working at 6:30 am, so if I wasn’t driving, I was up at 4:30 am. Gross, I know. Now you know why I had breakfast on the go. And by on the go, I mean at my desk once I consumed some coffee.

My favourite healthy breakfast idea’s for on the go

I can’t eat the same thing over and over and over again as my husband can. So, I like to have a rotation and switch it up. Summer brings a plethora of fresh fruit which become a key part of every breakfast. Don’t panic about the sugar in the fruit. Fruit sugar is natural, not processed.

Overnight oats

Ridiculously easy to prep and is super good for you. Oats are a great source of protein and fibre so they keep you full. When fresh fruit is available, I top the oats with fruit for days. In the Fall and Winter, I tend to add peanut butter or Nutella, and a banana.

I always warm my oats up, because I am always cold. Another focus is for me to get my warm foods into my body. I ignore this piece of advice all summer long. Oops. But if you’re not a fan of warmed oats, they taste delicious straight from the fridge.

Because they can be eaten cold, overnight oats are the perfect healthy breakfast on the go.

Yogurt Parfait

Y’all. I love greek yogurt, a lot. I love fresh fruit even more. And the combination of greek yogurt and fresh fruit is just too tasty to deny. Greek yogurt is so good for your body overall, as the yogurt consists of protein, B12, calcium, potassium, and probiotics. All necessary nutrients to fuel a happy and healthy body.

Greek yogurt, granola, mini dark chocolate chips, fruit and a drizzle of high-quality honey. Literally, so tasty. Kinda want one right now, but it’s December so there isn’t any fresh fruit!


Protein smoothies are one of my tricks to getting enough protein into my body after a long run. It’s also a a good trick for me to eat in the summer when it’s warmer out. I tend to not want to eat as much when it is warm out. I have always been like that, and I don’t see it changing any time soon.

Protein powder, peanut butter, coconut oil and cold brew are always in the base of my smoothie, with some frozen fruit thrown in there. Oh, and always some kale. I swear to you that you cannot taste it.

A healthy breakfast on the go or for when you’ve just finished a run/race and your husband barks at you to eat. Just me?

Cottage Cheese Pancakes

Bless Whole Foods for posting this recipe for me to come across. I love to make these on Sunday and then I just reheat them in the oven for breakfast throughout the week. I am not a fan of regular pancakes, but I absolutely love these. You can’t ask for an easier healthy breakfast on the go that feels like a treat.

Also super good as a post-run breakfast.

Egg Bite Muffins

I rarely pull out my muffin tin, and when I do, it is usually to make these egg bites.

I crack an egg into each spot and add a mix of veggies and cheese. Sometimes I will add a protein, but it kind of just depends on my mood. I throw them in the oven for about 10-15 minutes. I eat two per serving, and when I am ready to eat, I reheat in the oven and enjoy!

Not on the go friendly, but still delicious: Avocado toast

Now that I strictly work from my home I love to throw caution to the wind sometimes. Avocado toast, with a poached egg. Want to take it to the next level? Add some red chilli flakes. Want to take it even further? Add pomegranate seeds. Try it, and thank me later 😉

Also good to make when I like to show my housewife abilities, and make Jason some breakfast on the weekend. I try not to do this all the time; it keeps him on his toes.

healthy breakfast

Is breakfast a meal that you struggle with or you can’t live without? What are some of your go-to breakfast foods?

Need some lunch inspiration? I’ve got you covered with this post on some of our favourite lunch ideas.

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