Get To Know Me

Fun Facts – Random Tidbits

Fun Facts Again – Completely Random Tidbits

Back in the fall of 2020, I posted a fun facts post that I thought would be fun to do a couple of times a year. Just completely random tidbits of information to help you continue to get to know me.

Spring 2021 Random Tidbits:

  • I do not have a college degree. I know, shocking. However, I did finish my first year in full and with all the basics laid out, I was able to apply to real-world experience and learn that way. And guys, that’s how I learn besParis Architecturet. Always have, always will.
  • In 2019, we travelled to Italy which was nothing short of amazing. However, the road to get home was not. A good old random strike in Italy meant figuring out how to get to the Naples airport to get to Paris. Then when we were in Paris, our flight was delayed, so we arrived at the airport “late” but not really. We missed the bag drop, and we had to make a choice to ditch some of our stuff and try to get through security or get another flight. WestJet saved the day and got us on a flight home the next day.
    • This is literally the only time we’ve ever missed a flight and we were both pretty grumpy. That wasn’t the end of that travel woe, but that’s another story for another day.
  • I have a cousin who is 16 years younger than me. SIXTEEN?! She was a COVID graduate, and she handled the entire disaster with grace and understanding. I can’t say I would’ve handled it the same when I was graduating.
  • Jason and I were together for nearly 11 years before we got engaged.
  • I’ve run 11 half marathons and 2 full marathons. I was supposed to run my third full marathon in October 2020 in Chicago.
  • Growing up, I was always determined to live in the city and be able to buy a home here. Level achieved in 2015.
    • Family Paddle SessionFor those that don’t know, Vancouver is one of the most expensive cities to live in, in the world. I am incredibly grateful that we were able to do this, and we wouldn’t change a thing.
  • We do not plan on having kids; we love spoiling our nieces and nephews. We are fur kid-type people. Always and forever.
  • My brother-in-law has Cystic Fibrosis, which is an incurable disease. We were at the hospital with him when he got his page 6.5 years ago now and while it took him a while to come out off the ventilator and out of ICU, we are all incredibly thankful for the donor and their family for giving him the gift of life so he gets more time with his kids.
    • If you’re not an organ donor and don’t have any [religious] beliefs that do not agree with orgaHonorary Newfien donation, please look into becoming an organ donor. In so many places, opting into being an organ donor is common, as opposed to opting out. 
  • I was in St. Johns, NL for a work conference back in 2017 and was officially screeched in. So yes, yes I am an honorary Newfie.
  • If I’m running a local race, and Brie is there with Jason spectating, I will always stop to give her a little love. I just run a little faster afterwards, to make up for the stoppage. Totes worth it.

Random Tidbits Complete

There you go! Some more random tidbits about me. Share something random about yourself with me, in the comments.

Or multiple things. Share the randomness!

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