Chocolate Peanut Butter Squares - Blogmas

Christmas Baking: Peanut Butter Squares

Is there anything better than chocolate peanut butter squares? These can be made year-round and for any occasion, but in our family, these are a traditional dessert spread option. EVERY YEAR.

These and shortbread cookies.

If you’ve ever been over to our house or my aunt’s house in the month of December, you’ll have seen and likely had these delectable peanut butter squares.

This is a family favourite treat.  Trust me when I say people like to hang around for any rejects when they’re being cut into small squares. If you’re having a large gathering, I highly suggest making a double-batch of these bad boys.

Also, if you need to know one thing about me, it’s that I love a good salty but sweet treat. Any guesses as to which sweet treat is found in my stocking each year?

Three guesses and the first two don’t count 😉

Reeses Peanut Butter Cups. If they’re not in my stocking, don’t even bother putting anything in there.

Chocolate Peanut Butter Squares

What you need:
  • 1/2 cup butter
  • 1 cup peanut butter
  • 1 cup graham cracker crumbs
  • 2 cups icing sugar
  • opt: 1/3 cup chopped walnuts
  • 1 cup semi-sweet chocolate chips
  • 3 tbsp. butter


Heat and stir peanut butter and butter in a large saucepan until smooth. Add the graham cracker crumbs, icing sugar and walnuts if using. Mix well and press into an ungreased 9 x 9-inch pan. At this point, I tend to pop into the freezer and start working on the chocolate topping.

Heat and stir the chocolate chips and butter in a saucepan on low until smooth and spread over the top of the peanut butter mixture. I wanted to add here, that if your chocolate looks a little too thick, you can add a drizzle of milk (I use oat milk) and at most I add in a teaspoon, but usually less.

Let stand until set. I usually pop this in the fridge for a few hours and then cut it into small squares, pop it into a Tupperware container or a Christmas container, and store it in the fridge. You can also store these in the freezer if you’re prepping in advance.

Quick & Easy Dessert

These treats don’t usually last all that long in our household. The only reason they are still around is that at the time of writing this, we’re out of town 😉

But, they are super simple to put together. So even if you were doing a last-minute get-together, you can still easily whip these up in no time. Just remember to put them in the freezer to firm up quicker than leaving them in the fridge.

Cut them up once ready to serve et voila!

So tell me – what is a family favourite dessert that you have that may not be considered a traditional Christmas treat? 

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