Workout At Home - No Gym Access

Workout At Home – No Gym, No Prob

Whether there are restrictions that are affecting gyms, or you’re just not comfortable in a gym setting, you can still get in a good workout at home.

When you hear home workout or workout at home, do you automatically think 90’s fitness videos? Life with fitness facilities has had its ups and downs throughout this pandemic. I still have yet to set foot inside a gym (other than to film for a client once) and only recently have I started using our condo gym again. But even without the gym, I’ve been able to stay active even outside of running.

Of course, there’s always an advantage to going to the gym vs a workout at home. When you are working out at home, you can brush off the workout whereas if you commit to going to the gym you may be more likely to actually go. However, you can fit in at-home workouts in small doses especially if you’re working from home, and you don’t need any fancy equipment.

Workout At Home – No Equipment

You don’t have to have any fancy equipment to start – you can add that over time depending upon what you like to do. If you do live in a housing development that has a community gym (such as a condo or townhouse dwelling), you may have access to a gym with equipment.

If you don’t have access to a dwelling community gym, fear not – there are many ways to stay active.


You can get in a very good workout with both pilates and yoga, and there are many free options on YouTube. Yoga with Adriene and Yoga With Kassandra are two of my go-to’s. Both of them also have paid options as well, so if you find that you love what they offer, you can sign up for exclusive access to yoga workouts.

You can do yoga and pilates without any equipment whatsoever, but getting your hands on a yoga mat at least will make a world of difference. You don’t need to go and buy an expensive yoga mat, especially if you’re new and not sure how you’ll love this style of home workout; upgrade later.

I love my Lululemon yoga mats, but I certainly didn’t start with them!

Cycling, Walking or Rollerblading/Skating – No Gym Necessary

If you have a bike on hand, get it tuned up and head outside! Honestly, nothing beats that fresh air, once you get out the door. This may just be my Vancouver showing, but most people seem to have bikes, or access to bikes to rent (such as Mobi).

So, even if you don’t have your own bike, with a small investment you can rent a bike to help keep you active outside of a gym setting. If you have a condo gym, you’ll likely have a spin bike in there so get to spinning if the thought of biking outdoors seems scary to you. It does to me!

The same goes for rollerblading or roller skating. Now, most of us don’t necessarily have these items laying around, but if you do, strap ’em on and head out for a roll.

Rollin’ has to be the way to go 😉

Walking, Hiking, Running

There’s no dispute that getting outside is so good for your mental health, but taking the first step out the door is always the most difficult.

If you have a dog, you have to get them out for exercise so they don’t go stir crazy. Just me? 😉

Just getting out the door and walking your pup for a bit is great exercise. Especially if sometimes your dog wants to run around at the dog park. Most dogs chase other dogs, but mine can be anti-social and prefers to have me chase her around …usually to get a stick out of her mouth.

If you live in an area with access to trails, strap on some hiking boots/shoes and get out and explore your local trails. In the winter, snowshoeing is a great thing to do as well.

Now, if you’re crazy like me, you take refuge in running. Heck, I was so stressed at the beginning of the pandemic that I would run far too fast for where I was after 6 months off and working on a slow build-up to speed and distance. I caused myself shin splints, and it was horrible. 0/10 recommend doing that.

If you’re looking to start running, this is a great way to work out at home outside of a gym. Running doesn’t have to be expensive at all. And if you’re unsure about running outdoors, if you have access to a treadmill in your home or condo, start there.

HIIT Workouts – YouTube

You don’t need weights to get in a good workout at home – trust me. Once again, trusty YouTube can always give you some great free workouts. There are also subscriptions you can subscribe to, for great options to work out at home.

Workout At Home – Equipment Needed

If you don’t have any of the equipment already accessible from the above, and you have the means to do so, you can. Whether purchasing something as simple as a pair of roller skates, or you’re wanting to invest in a Peloton – all of the above still apply.


Something I learned very quickly as the pandemic took shape, was how expensive weights were. Now, I do typically have access to a home gym through my condo building, but we closed it for health & safety concerns so no one had access.


If you have the capacity and means to add a big-ticket item to your home gym, I say go for it. But only do this if you are loving that kind of workout. If you hate running, is it worth it to buy a treadmill? Probably not. If you live in a cold climate during the winter, these machines can come in handy to help keep you active.

Workout At Home Isn’t Your 80’s & 90’s Typical Workout

There are so many ways to work out at home so if you’re not comfortable being in a public gym, you’re still in luck. The 80’s & 90’s workout videos have turned a lot of us off from at-home workouts. But with so much access to free content, to allow people to try workouts before committing to a longer-term at-home workout subscription.

I personally love to take my workouts outside. Running obviously is my number one. However, I also have a dog who gets walked at least once a day, usually two and I walk to run errands because driving can take forever. I’ve done workouts in the park with friends as well, and I am incorporating more yoga this year as it’s a great stretching and strengthening routine for runners.

Don’t let not having access to a public gym stop you from staying active. Find ways that work for you, and if you see success in what you do, build yourself a home gym – whether it’s in a basement, a spare bedroom, garage or even in your living room.

Reward yourself for your home workout accomplishments so you stick with them. Allow for fluid change to your workouts, and just focus on some semblance of movement.

At-home workout – yay or nay?

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